Today was our last observation! We started the class with an activity asking the students to guess which country we would be travelling to next. I think we could have done a better job of connecting it to a grammar point and enforcing the need for the students to respond in a certain way. We did a good job of not letting them off the hook with guessing “Africa” and making them try to guess a country.


Our theme for this class was culture shock and we next did a listening and speaking activity. It was cool to see how readily the students volunteered to read, especially Olga because she did not even attend the first few grammar labs but now she seems to have bought in. Next, we did some more grammar review worksheets and as usual, the students seemed to enjoy the more focused practice. They are working together in groups which makes me glad, as I think there is a real benefit to group work and developing the vocabulary they need for collaboration, expressing opinions, and solving problems.


To finish, we again asked students to create sentences using adjective clauses, but to describe their experiences with culture shock. They did well at coming up with a contribution and I felt confident in my corrections. W was not engaged during the lesson and it was a struggle to get him to create a sentence at the end, but we were eventually able to explain clauses to him to a point where he was able to contribute.